Overview of Quality

Quality Assurance is on the frontline in releasing high-quality and flawless digital applications that translate into economic and financial impacts for business. Quality Engineering feedback loops suggest improvements into overall Software Development lifecycle for better preparation against digital future.

Our Services

We approach Quality Assurance practice to create a robust infrastructure for digital platforms to improve quality' test-coverage and enhance test practices for stabilizing the releases.

How Quality Assurance enables true Digital Transformation

Digital times require more efforts to release better and improved digital channels' necessitating changes to how we test and release products. Consumer demands shift' competitors are releasing new products' escalating the need of response from every company. We help in bringing the new Quality Assurance practices that increasingly improve the digital applications and drive change in the software development lifecycle.

1. Advanced Test Automation Solutions

Our advanced test automation solutions includes test advisory & lifecycle' Automation services' CI/CD and DevOps Integration' Progressive Automation' Test Automation of Firmware and Embed devices' Intelligent Dashboard and Analytics.

2. Digital Quality Assurance

We work with our clients to drive large scale testing efforts like Omni Channel Testing' Social Media Integration' Usability and Accessibility Testing' A/B Testing' Globalization and Localization Testing' and Crowd Source Validation.

3. Non-Functional Assurance

Our Non-Functional test services help clients to realize benefits from the efforts put it Non-functional Architecture Analysis & Source code review' Continuous Monitoring' Performance and Security' Engineering' Application Monitoring & Profiling' Intelligent Threat Modelling.

4. Core Testing Services

Adaptis Core testing services includes Functional Testing' Compatibility Testing' Domain-specific product testing backed by market research' Compliance testing for HIPAA SOX' DDA and other regulatory standards.

5. IoT & IIoT Testing Solutions

With our specialized services in Sensor-to-Server functional roundtrips' Ease of use for digital customer engagement' Reliability in critical operations' Stable and sustained performance' Customer sensitivity' Data security and Privacy

Our Approach

Our Quality Engineering services works on tailor made and continuous improvement approach as per the application and technology stack of the client.

1. Test Advisory and Strategy

Our test centre of excellence advises clients on their next steps and strategize their testing practices as per the business objectives. Adaptis llc has helped more than 200 clients to build robust test strategy.

2. Home-grown Enablers

Our Home-grown enablers are out-of-the- box solutions for accelerating test cycles and integrate multitude of software development lifecycle tools to give results in a comprehensive form.

3. Test Program for Continuous Improvement

Our test program is continuously evolving with the scope of building new test strategies' test cases and incorporating new tests. We integrate automation for reducing manual work and perpetual improvement.